Monitoring, notifying and auto-checkout in one platform.

Marketplace with 100+ automations… and growing every day.

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Desktop application

Run automations on your own machine.

    • Available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.
    • Run multiple instances of a single script to speed things up.
    • Desktop app 100% free, only pay for scripts that you need.
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Security first

Cereal was developed with security in mind from the start, including:

    • All user data, including billing accounts, proxies, and shipping addresses, is stored encrypted on your computer.
    • Scripts receive a security review before they are available on the marketplace.
    • Secure payment gateway (Stripe) used to handle script subscriptions.
    • You are in control which data you want a script to access.
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Made for developers

Create scripts and sell them on our marketplace to earn money with your awesome idea.

    • Easy way to earn money, you can keep 70% of every subscription.
    • Documentation with comprehensive guidelines, best practices, and examples.
    • A user-friendly portal to upload and manage scripts.
    • Libraries, tools, and resources available for streamlined script development.
    • Written in Kotlin, a popular and easy to learn language.
    • Sell your script to thousands of Cereal users using the marketplace.
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Marketplace with 100+ automations

Browse the marketplace to find the automation you need.

    • Wide range of (free) scripts to choose from, developed by various developers.
    • Scripts are regularly updated and improved.
    • Secure payment gateway (Stripe) used to handle script subscriptions.

Desktop application

Frequently asked questions

The Cereal platform is free to access, allowing users to browse the marketplace, explore available scripts, and utilize all the features of the desktop app without any cost. However, some scripts may be offered as paid subscriptions, providing premium automations. You have the flexibility to choose between free and paid scripts based on your preferences and needs. Cereal aims to strike a balance between offering valuable free content and supporting the developers who create innovative scripts for the community.

In simple terms, a script on Cereal is like a helpful robot that can do tasks for you on your computer. Developers create these robots, and you can find them in the Cereal marketplace. You download a script to your computer using the Cereal desktop app (which works on Mac, Windows, and Linux). Once downloaded, you can use these scripts to automate various tasks.

The Cereal desktop app is designed to run on any modern hardware. It has modest system requirements, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of devices. Whether you're using macOS, Windows, or Linux, you can expect a smooth experience with Cereal, allowing you to execute scripts efficiently on your preferred platform.

Cereal takes security seriously. Your credit card data is not stored or processed on any server. In the desktop app, billing information is stored locally, encrypted on your computer. It's important to note that scripts within Cereal might utilize this information to automatically purchase products based on your provided configuration.